eZ Publish Community Day to be streamed live!
If you are like me and can't make it there is some exciting news! eZ Publish's Community Manager Nicolas Pastorino has setup a Ustream account for the eZ Community and scheduled a event for the community day.
That's right the Community Day will be streamed live!
Show your support of this wonderful initiative by signing up to Ustream and RSVPing to the event! (Note that two events for they day one for the morning session and another for the afternoon one.)
The Ustream interface allows for a twitter channel as well as inline chat allowing participation throughout the day. The twitter hastag is #ezwintercf.
If you know anyone interested in eZ Publish get them to RSVP as well. It will be great to have as many people as possible participating!
If you have any experience producing an live event like this or can help out on the day please contact Nicolas and let him know what you can offer.
Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mathplourde/3727973992/
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