Experiences using clustering with eZ publish 3.8
ez Publish version 3.8 introduced a specialised clustering functionality that allowed for the storage of all content related caches, images and binary files in the database. All other files are stored on the local file systems. This is a great improvement over previous versions of eZ Publish that did not include any specific clustering support. In a recent install we utilised the clustering functionality and found a number of issues that are not highlighted in any of the documentation. In our setup there are 2 web servers. Both systems serve the site while one was designated the "master" and used for administration. Our design uses the toolbar functionality to allow editors to add and update content that appears in a right hand column. Synchronisation of toolbar.ini files from the mater server to the slave is performed using rsync. After a while inconsistencies in the display of toolbar content was noticed. In tracking this down it was discovered that the toolbar parameters...