Micro-blogging the eZ Conference

For those who haven't heard of "Micro-blogging" wikipedia defines it as:
Micro-blogging is a form of blogging that allows users to write brief text updates (usually less than 200 characters) and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group which can be chosen by the user. These messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text messaging, instant messaging, email, MP3 or the web.
Twitter is currently the most popular micro-blogging service but can have reliability issues (these have been addressed recently). I've been using it for a couple of months now. It can be a bit of a time suck especially if you follow frequent tweaters. I've found it a good way to keep track of what friends, the web industry & eZ people are up to, pose questions and actually get answers.

One of the things that has always frustrated my about not attending the eZ conference in the past is that it takes about a week for news and coverage to filter out. I suspect people are too busy doing "conference stuff" to write blog posts during the event.

This year I'm finally attending the eZ Conference (eZ Community Developer Day & PHP Vikinger) and am planing to utilise twitter to micro-blog the event in an attempt to provide some "real time" coverage. I've had conservations with Tony Wood of Vision WT fame who is also interested. The frequency of content will depend on what kind of internet aceess is availiable, and I'll utilise SMS tweats as a backup if required.

Of course anyone can do this and the more the merrier! If you are going to use twitter, add "#ezconf" within the tweet. This is called a hashtag and allows for tweets about a particular topic to be grouped by services like Summize.

The following URL http://summize.com/search?q=+%23ezconf will display a list of tweets with the #ezconf hashtag. The tweats are also available as an RSS feed so you can follow along in your favourite Feed Reader.

Derick (PHP Vikinger unorganiser) has suggested using #phpvikinger & #ezconference hashtags (Lots of letters there! He must be much less lazy than me :) or simply follow all three.

If you do sign up with twitter, feel free to follow me and write a tweat with a #ezconf hashtag to let fellow twitters you are following along.

Help and an Etiquette Guide are available.


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I added your blog to my Google co-op for eZ sites http://goozee.benn.org/ :)

    Sorry if this is horribly out of context, but I could not find any contact link..


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