FriendFeed Room for eZ Publish

I've been playing with FriendFeed for a little while and today setup an eZ Publish room. FriendFeed is a content aggregator that is primarily targeted at "friends", but several projects have been using it at a convergence point for information.

In their own words:
FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends.
I've primed the room with RSS feeds from eZ Planet, the site, eZ Projects and a twitter search for "ezpublish" like terms.

Feel free to join and contribute, or simply add the RSS feed of the room to your reader and follow a bunch of eZ news from the one feed.


  1. good idea. The noise ratio will be high with twtter feeds though.

  2. Hi Geoff

    I've been following a similar twitter feed via google reader for a number of months and haven't found the number of tweets to be great. The first page of the link in the post shows 15 tweets that span 12 days.

    If too much noise is generated then I'm happy to remove or refine the twitter feed.



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